
Course ID : 456187

Early Learning and Care with Business Management Stage 2

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If you’ve completed your Stage 1 Early Years and wish to graduate with the Level 6 professional award and further your management knowledge and skills, then this is the course for you. Young minds and hearts depend on the professionalism of those who care for and educate them and children with extra needs deserve the best.

Students will undertake 150 hours of Professional Practice in a minimum of 2 early Years of Early Years settings per annum. The settings will include birth -2 yrs 8 months, and 2 yrs 8 months to 6 years. All Professional Practice placements must be carried out with an ELC provider currently registered with Tusla. Learners must be garda vetted before going on the placement. Embedded in this course are extra training opportunities.


Morrison's Island Campus


Health & Social Studies

Contact Details

Further Education and Training – Higher Education Route:
Email: queries@morrisonsislandcampus.ie

Tel: 021 4222100


Morrison's Island, Cork City, Cork

T12 H685