
Course ID : 456420

English Language and IT Skills for International Students

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Do you need to improve your skills in English Language and at the same time gain IT and Customer Service Skills and qualifications? Then this course is designed specially for you. Completion of the course will allow you to get employment or study at a higher level. The college has state of the art digital language laboratories. Fluency in English is the main focus of this course.

This course provides a high level of class contact time. Students enjoy the benefits of a very strong teacher-directed, student focused course. It is designed to build confidence in students’ ability to work and socialise comfortably in the English language.


Morrison's Island Campus


Business and Administration

Contact Details

Further Education and Training – Higher Education Route:
Email: queries@morrisonsislandcampus.ie

Tel: 021 4222100


Morrison's Island, Cork City, Cork

T12 H685