
Course ID : 416404

Furniture Design & Making (Level 5)

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This course allows you to learn an amazing craft while exploring your creativity. Through our workshop-based learning you can develop competency with hand tools and woodworking machinery. From traditional woodworking methods, progress to machine and digital fabrication in our fully equipped workshops and studio spaces. You will also learn life drawing, technical graphics and CAD tools which support your design and making process. Our workshop is more than an educational space, it is a creative environment where you learn as much from your class colleagues as you do from the tutors. Work experience, field trips and expert talks complete the experience.


Tramore Road Campus


Engineering & Construction

Contact Details

Further Education and Training – Higher Education Route:
Email: tramoreroadcampus@corketb.ie

Tel: 021 4961020


Tramore Road Campus, (Cork College of FET) Tramore Rd. Cork City T12 AC91

T12 AC91