
Providing Opportunities; Building Pathways
Welcome to the Cork College of Further Education and Training (CCFET) Course Application portal. From here, you can apply for a place on any Level 5 or 6 course on offer across any of the CCFET Campuses. Applicants can search by course name, key word (e.g. business) or by location (campus) to find out more about the courses on offer. You can select up to five courses, indicating your preferred choice from your first through to fifth choice by adding the course(s) to your list and indicating your choice from 1- 5 with 1 being your first choice. If you have been redirected to this portal from one of our campus websites, please note that you will also have the option to search and apply for any additional courses either in the same campus or in any of the other campus locations from this portal.
A short video giving an overview of the application process can be found here. A text version is also available here.